Crave! episode 23: Suicide Squad, Lennon: Through A Glass Onion, Our Kind Of Traitor, Miller, Poi E

Neither Simon nor Steve has been terribly impressed with Suicide Squad, the latest offering from the DC universe. Simon’s a little kinder, though, perhaps because Poi E left him in such a good mood, as did Miller’s first concert with…

Lennon: Through A Glass Onion — a very personal tribute to John Lennon

Lennon: Through A Glass Onion

My first thought, as John Waters stood in front of a microphone on an almost empty stage and started channelling John Lennon on his last day alive, was “Why?” Lennon died thirty-five years ago. His life, his work, his thoughts have…

Crave! episode 22: Ghostbusters, Star Trek Beyond, Jason Bourne, Billy Crystal

Billy Crystal

Back in the saddle after a winter break that took Simon to Canada and Steve to Japan, our reviewers are back at their microphones to talk about the controversial Ghostbusters remake, the latest uninspiring Star Trek instalment, the surprisingly-named new Bourne…