Crave! episode 58: Ed Sheeran, Ready Player One, Mary Magdalene, Pacific Rim: Uprising, Blockers, The Death Of Stalin

Ready Player One

Ready Player One

Like most of the population of New Zealand, Simon’s been to see Ed Sheeran recently, as has Crave!’s regular guest reviewer Debbie, and while Debbie’s unqualified in her praise of both of the shows she went to, Simon’s only reasonably impressed. Steve and Simon have both seen the new Spielberg sci-fi spectacular Ready Player One, and have largely positive things to say about it, unlike Mary Magdalene, which has disappointed Steve on a number of levels. Pacific Rim: Uprising and Blockers both got a fairly definite “meh,” but The Death Of Stalin is an absolute success, a black-as-soot comedy about, well, Stalin’s death.


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